Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Question 2: How does your media product represent particualr social groups.

In our opening sequence we have merged the geeky and Gothic stereotypical representations into one character. We showed these stereotypical representations through several vectors. The first of these was the clothing our main character Alex was wearing.

The clothes Alex is wearing our black skinny genes with a red top. This colours represent the stereotypical idea of a goth
Obviously our character isn't as extreme as this image of a goth because we felt that our character would be more Gothic in the way he thought and acted instead of the things he wore.
Alex also expressed the vulnerability of the stereotypical goth through how obsessed they can become with things and how they have a direct interest in the supernatural. This was done through the map prop showing just how obsessed Alex was with the supernatural and showed the audience even though Alex was presented stereotypically normal in the first scene (the bath) how underneath he could be so fixated with the map. This fixation was shown through the camera movements at the end on the map and the cross blur transitions used which made it seem like Alex was blinking while staring at the map; showing his Gothic obsession.
The geek stereotype was shown through the equipment Alex was using; a computer. obviously all teenagers use and manage technology but the old age style of the computer and the wide screen presented Alex in a geeky light.
The fire however was unsterotypical teenager behaviour. We wanted to create a unique character in Alex, one that people could empathise with but also could view from a distance with a sense of awe at how independent and grown up a teenager could be.

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